Why I Loathe (But Still Embrace) Turning 30

So today marks the 30th year of my existence, and I have very mixed feelings about this momentous occasion in my life. On the one hand I should be thrilled that I am departing my 20s and that the 30s have proven to be a good decade for most people. On the other hand I should be dreading turning 30 and still “not having it all together” like society expects you to when you turn that age.

6 Lies Teens Believe

What gets in the way of all of this development for teens mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually is the bombardment of lies that comes from so many different places teens have access to. Whether its TV, YouTube, movies, music, books, other peers, mentors, or even parents and faith leaders (yes, ministers, you are not immune to lying); teens are overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information available to them about how to live their lives that they have a difficult time separating the fact from the fiction…


“I’m a terrible Christian, but I really love Jesus”

Growing up, religion was an awfully confusing thing for me. I mean choosing which flavor of ice cream was difficult enough, and then being bombarded with which religion was going to take me to some future utopic paradise seemed really out of reach; if not out of line. So when a friend of mine invitedContinue reading ““I’m a terrible Christian, but I really love Jesus””