Why I Loathe (But Still Embrace) Turning 30

So today marks the 30th year of my existence, and I have very mixed feelings about this momentous occasion in my life. On the one hand I should be thrilled that I am departing my 20s and that the 30s have proven to be a good decade for most people. On the other hand I should be dreading turning 30 and still “not having it all together” like society expects you to when you turn that age.

The best is yet to come!

“For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.” ~ Thomas A` Kempis There is so much more to life than yesterday… Yet we are always focused on our past. Whether it is our past relationships, past jobs, past accomplishments,Continue reading “The best is yet to come!”