Why My Faith Has Kept Me Going

“I just really want to give up right now.”

Those words have echoed through my mind every single day for the past several months. It’s almost at the point where I can’t imagine NOT having those words rattle around my brain. They have become the stranger that is now trying to connect with me on this deeply personal level. A level these words don’t belong.

The One Thing You Must Have

Sometimes, the things that are most important to us are the most difficult to attain and to keep.

I know, for myself, I have struggled with this precious gift called life and I have also struggled with this precious gift called faith.

Some might tell me that having faith is useless. That being a faithful person is unsatisfying if you consider all the world has to offer.

These people might be right. I mean faith is a risky thing. But, the alternative to faith is risky too. To live without faith is just as difficult, just as hard, and just as unsatisfying at times…



Maybe you are feeling stuck in some area of your life: it could be with your job, or with a hobby you love, or with your relationship with your spouse/children/family/friends/insert here. It could be in your faith or it could be in the way you view the world/society around you. There are many areas to get stuck in. Many areas to get trapped in. And when you peel it all the way back to the root of the problem, it always has to do with one thing…


My Last Week Is Here

It’s been a pretty long time since I’ve posted something on here about what’s going on in my personal life. That’s probably a good thing. It’s given me time to enjoy the most exciting (and a little stressful) summer of my life.   So to summarize:           The most important thingContinue reading “My Last Week Is Here”

My 500 Words – Day 6 – “Write About the Most Important Day of Your Life”

There have been so many days I’ve lived so far… and so many more to come. Yet, when someone asks me, “What was the most important day of your life?” I can’t help but think of that very special day when I realized that I was truly in love. You see, I sort of enteredContinue reading “My 500 Words – Day 6 – “Write About the Most Important Day of Your Life””

How To Keep From Drowning (In the Midst of Your Storm)

It’s so unpredictable sometimes.  We see our lives going in one direction. We are in control. Things are swinging in our favor. Nothing is going wrong. Our relationships are well, our work is profitable, our faith is growing, our health is strong. Then… the storm hits. And it hits hard. The waves at first seemContinue reading “How To Keep From Drowning (In the Midst of Your Storm)”

What We Can Learn From Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela

In just the past few days, two well-known men died. The commonalities are few, and the differences many. Yet, with both of these men we can learn three very important lessons: death shows no favoritism, death is inevitable, and death shouldn’t be taken for granted. Before I get to these important lessons, let’s recap whatContinue reading “What We Can Learn From Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela”

3 Reasons Why I Hate Mondays

For one moment, I want you to sit down and think very carefully the answer to this question: “After the weekend, do I really love Mondays?” If the answer to that question is “No,” then I believe you are like most people in this world (including myself). But, if the answer is “Yes,” then IContinue reading “3 Reasons Why I Hate Mondays”

Why I Fell Off The Face Of The Earth

If you look at the latest posts on my blog, you will see something glaringly obvious… I haven’t posted in a LONG time. There’s good reasons and no good reasons for that. Except to say… I fell off the face of the earth. Well, I didn’t fall of the face of the earth… LITERALLY… butContinue reading “Why I Fell Off The Face Of The Earth”