Why 2016 Seemed to Suck So Much

Yes, I know that life isn’t perfect and I know that every year is good for some people and not so good for others. So, to make a blanket statement about a year as good or bad seems silly and sophomoric. But, it seemed like this past year in particular everyone was in agreement: 2016 absolutely blew. It sucked. It was simply ugly.

6 Lies Teens Believe

What gets in the way of all of this development for teens mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually is the bombardment of lies that comes from so many different places teens have access to. Whether its TV, YouTube, movies, music, books, other peers, mentors, or even parents and faith leaders (yes, ministers, you are not immune to lying); teens are overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information available to them about how to live their lives that they have a difficult time separating the fact from the fiction…


Personal Reflections on Today’s Important Issues

As the year 2015 wraps up, I thought I would really get honest and share with you all some of the societal issues I am struggling with. There is no doubt in my mind that we all wrestle with how to respond to the many things that are happening in our country. With the presence of social media, freely sharing our opinions has never been easier but it always comes with a price. I’ve seen people lose jobs, I’ve seen ruined relationships, I’ve seen people getting ostracized and ridiculed, amongst other things…


When the world comes together

Once every four years, an amazing event takes place in our world. An event when over 200 nations, thousands of participants, and millions of spectators converge to see the greatest compete for a prize made out of precious materials. Most of you probably know what event this is, and most of you can’t deny theContinue reading “When the world comes together”