Why 2016 Seemed to Suck So Much

Let’s just get something out of the way:


Yes, I know that life isn’t perfect and I know that every year is good for some people and not so good for others. So, to make a blanket statement about a year as good or bad seems silly and sophomoric. 


But, it seemed like this past year in particular everyone was in agreement:


2016 absolutely blew. It sucked. It was simply ugly.


I know there are a lot of factors that went into 2016 being such an awful year. A year we don’t want back. A year that will go down in the history books as tragic, awful, and a horrible example of humanity at work. That’s if any historian would want to write about the absolute trash that was 2016 in the first place. I bet there is some secret society of historians out there that are debating whether to even mention this year to future civilization or not.


It reminds me of this wonderful NBC show called Timeless; where a historian, a soldier, and an engineer travel through time trying to stop this villain who wants to change the past. 


While I am all for preserving the past, learning from it, and trying to improve our world as we know it… If I was on that Timeless crew, I would let the villain just change everything about 2016. I wouldn’t stop him at all. I would just kick back, sip some lemonade, and revel in the fact that 2016 couldn’t be any worse and so let the guy change it, it would probably end up for the better.


When I think of 2016, a few things stuck out to me as utterly tragic. It’s not like these things haven’t happened before. But it seemed like these things happened way more often. It truly has me concerned about the future of our country (and our world), and they are things I hope don’t continue to happen so much in 2017.


1. The tremendous loss of human life


Yes, I know people die everyday. But that fact shouldn’t desensitize us from the chilling and harsh reality of death. I can’t think of many things worse than death, because it is so certain and so final. But there was a lot of “high-profile” tragedies this year.


Now, the first thing people like to talk about are celebrity deaths. There were SO DANG MANY! While I agree with many who “feel” the loss of celebrities beloved in music, TV, movies, and so forth; there are so many more tragic deaths in our world…


What about the tragic deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police? There were too many. There shouldn’t be a loss of life of an unarmed person, especially unarmed minorities. To know that there is racial discrimination, still, in 2016 is tragic. I don’t know why there is racial discrimination, or why we still get hung up on separating people by race, class, gender, and so forth in the first place. But we do. That’s why I don’t mind when people protest against these tragedies. Against injustice. But I don’t tolerate violence as a means of protest. I never have and never will. 


What about the increase of targeted deaths against law enforcement? There were too many. No police officer should die unjustifiably either. Law Enforcement Officers swear their very lives to protect and to serve. They are willing to give their lives to protect their communities. They love their communities. Yes, there are some who shouldn’t be wearing a badge (that goes back to the first point); but most are good, moral, honorable, and humble people who love their communities and want to see its residents safe from crime. 


What about the increase of mass shootings/attacks in America and throughout the world? The rise of these tragedies were all over the media all throughout the year. It seemed like we couldn’t go a day without putting on the TV or opening up the laptop or logging onto Social Media without seeing another tragedy unfold overnight. There are real concerns that the vast majority of these are religiously motivated. That these are being carried out by Islamic extremist organizations like ISIS. There needs to be a universal clarion call by the Islamic community condemning these attacks. I believe this is happening. I believe we still need to call out extremists like ISIS and others who seek to destroy our way of life. 


What about the increase of innocent deaths in war-torn regions around the world? As an American, it’s very easy for me to turn a blind eye to the tragedy happening in the Middle East. Places like Iraq, Syria, and others are utterly destroyed by war. Millions of refugees seeking to escape the violence are seeking refuge, and most turn a blind eye. Well, if we all continue to do this than we all go blind, and there will be no hope left for those who truly need it. 


2. The tremendous disaster of American politics


This past year was one heck of a disaster when it came to the election process and this past election cycle proved to be a dizzying example of how ugly politics can get, and how it leaves its citizens in the lurch. 


There were many good candidates that could have become the next President of the United States (POTUS for short). But we ended up with Donald Trump. Yes, I am an outspoken critic of Donald Trump. I’ve never hidden it. I know many hate me because of it. But I don’t care. I think the election of Donald Trump was less about him and more about our country as a whole. It was more about the majority of Americans lashing out against the failure of the establishment. It was more about lashing out against the policies brought about by President Obama the past eight years. Yet, many said that the election of Donald Trump would bring real change and a unity our country needed. That remains to be seen, but for sure it has not happened. I doubt it will. If there is going to be real change, it’s not going to be a change that will continue to promote important values like diversity, tolerance, and mutual understanding. If there is going to be unity, it won’t be a unity of all people but a particular group of people who are hell bent on seeing a way of life that rolls back progress and rolls out a false nostalgia that won’t be good for everyone. I know people on all sides and perspectives on political issues. To see a group of people cheer while simultaneously see a group of people weep at the election just shows how far we have to go to see our country united again. Oh yeah, and cyber-hacking, illegal email servers, and many many leaks.


3. The tremendous levity of sports


Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge fan of sports. I love to play sports but I really love to watch sports. There is something about the athleticism, the way the sports work, the team camaraderie that make these kinds of events exciting. I know not everyone shares this sentiment, but nevertheless 2016 brought us the Summer Olympic Games in Rio. For about a month or so, it seemed like all of the tragedy that took place took a pause and we all were glued to our TVs watching the best in the world compete against each other for national pride and a coveted medal. I don’t know why but ever since I could remember, I have loved the Olympics. 


Another major sports highlight took place this year. What I would call the “Miracle on the Mound” took place as the Chicago Cubs, who had not won a World Series in over 100 years, broke the proverbial curse and won it all. The Chicago Cubs played the Cleveland Indians in the “American Classic” and after an initial 3-1 deficit, the Cubs pulled themselves out of the grave and came back to defeat the Indians. This was a moment that was a nail biter till the very last out. It was truly a beautiful moment for a team and a city.


Well that will do it for me, my last post of 2016. What are some of the highlights that you think of when you think of 2016? 


See you in 2017 (thank God)!


– Ryan

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