When You’ve Lost It All

The past three weeks have been some of the most difficult I’ve experienced in a long time. I felt like my life was falling apart. The darkness seemed to grow within my soul and I felt like I wasn’t going to see the light again…


6 Lies Teens Believe

What gets in the way of all of this development for teens mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually is the bombardment of lies that comes from so many different places teens have access to. Whether its TV, YouTube, movies, music, books, other peers, mentors, or even parents and faith leaders (yes, ministers, you are not immune to lying); teens are overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information available to them about how to live their lives that they have a difficult time separating the fact from the fiction…


Look In The Mirror (an Ash Wednesday meditation)

An important practice during the season of Lent that we tend to shy away from is the practice of self-examination. Most days we go about a regular routine that almost becomes automatic: get up, get ready, take the kids to school, go to work, pick up something for dinner, watch some TV, surf the internet, go to sleep. Repeat.

The reason why we get stuck in these routines is because we do them daily. They are habits that we don’t have to think about. They are obligations and duties that we must fulfill to build a life for ourselves and our families. Yet, when it comes to our spiritual lives, what can we say about it that is routine in nature? Have we formed spiritual practices that are habits we practice daily? Have we committed ourselves to the work of the Church? What are we doing that bears witness to the love of God, and the good news of His Son Jesus Christ in the world around us?


The One Thing You Must Have

Sometimes, the things that are most important to us are the most difficult to attain and to keep.

I know, for myself, I have struggled with this precious gift called life and I have also struggled with this precious gift called faith.

Some might tell me that having faith is useless. That being a faithful person is unsatisfying if you consider all the world has to offer.

These people might be right. I mean faith is a risky thing. But, the alternative to faith is risky too. To live without faith is just as difficult, just as hard, and just as unsatisfying at times…


8 Times I Was Embarrassed To Be A Christian

So this post will surely cause some uproar and controversy for those who read it. That is not my intention. But since this is an “opinion piece,” I know there will be some disagreements…


How To Not Completely Lose Your Mind On Social Media

Earlier this week, I posted a message on my Facebook page warning people that a rant was coming. Now, I’ve been good at keeping any type of angsty comments to myself and not publishing them in a “public” setting for the past few years. But, I’m human and so I slipped and posted it anyway. Now, I was really good at keeping the level of angst to a 3 or so and not the full-blown 11. Nevertheless, I ranted on…


5 Ways To Become A Better You In 2016

Some of you might be glad that this year is over, and are looking forward to a new year with new opportunities.

Some of you might of had a great year and are sad to see it go, but are hoping for even better things to happen.

However you feel about this past year, know that there are some proactive, intentional practices you can make each and every day to make this upcoming year the best year yet…