Why I’ve Struggled With Going to Church

I could tell you that for the past 20+ years I have loved every moment that I walked into that familiar building with a big giant steeple on it. But that would be a lie.

And there is no point lying here. You see, throughout my time going to church, I have had both positive and negative experiences with it. That should come as no surprise to anybody, because such is life; but it’s the church so you think it should be different. That’s what I grew up naively believing.

Why My Faith Has Kept Me Going

“I just really want to give up right now.”

Those words have echoed through my mind every single day for the past several months. It’s almost at the point where I can’t imagine NOT having those words rattle around my brain. They have become the stranger that is now trying to connect with me on this deeply personal level. A level these words don’t belong.

Why I Needed to Build Myself A Village

If I had to honestly assess the past 10 years of my life, I would say that when I was 20 I was extremely extroverted. I literally gained energy and happiness from being with people and having meaningful connections with them. Fast forward 10 years and as I approach 30, I have realized that I am a lot more introverted than I was before. But why? 

Because people change.

Why Running Away from My Calling Only Left Me Empty

It has been a long time since I have blogged, and let me tell you (and I have said this many times before), I missed it so much! To give you a recap of what has happened to me in 2016…

Most of it sucked.

Ok, recap over.

But seriously, it was a very difficult year for me. I’ve done a lot of soul-searching, praying, meditating, and pondering about what my life has been, what it is, and what I want it to be.

Starting Over (The Decision to Leave Ministry)

I didn’t see this coming. This has been the singular thought that has been swimming through my mind the past couple of months. A decision that has been weighing on me so heavily that it altered my very life and all that was a part of it…


Two Things Millennials Fear That They Should Embrace Instead

As I am almost approaching the dreaded “3-0”, I have learned, and unfortunately avoided, a lot in my life. So for me being a part of the Millennial Generation (albeit on the older end of the spectrum), I thought it would be helpful to share what I have seen, both within the generation as a whole and in myself at times, as the two greatest fears Millennials have that they should instead embrace as not only a part of life itself but as important keys to success in all areas of life…


It’s Time To Remove The Stigma Of “Bad Christian”

Many faith leaders are seeing this problem get out of control and they are realizing that maybe it’s not so much about the people leaving, as much as it’s about the people who are still there: those who are still in the church but fail to see their own problems and how their actions and beliefs are directly affecting people in a negative way… a way that is drawing them away from the church, away from Jesus, and away from faith…


3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Care About April Fools’ Day

Yes, it’s that time of year again…

Probably the most annoying and obnoxious time one can deal with (well that and the presidential election but at least that’s once every FOUR years…).

Yes, it’s April Fools’ Day.

Yeah, that stupid day where people pull off lame practical jokes in order to get a laugh but it ends up just ticking people off and you end up with questionable looks, a few choice words, and possibly broken relationships (just depends on what you did).

For me, I think it’s a big waste of time for the following reasons…