It’s Time To Get Out Of Your Bubble

But you might be saying, “I like my bubble. It protects me. It creates a space where I feel safe. It helps me not to mentally breakdown.” Well tough. If you want to live in the 21st century and you want to be able to not only have all of society treat you with dignity and respect, but to be able to influence people for good; then you need to pop that bubble and exit that dark, musty place you call an echo chamber (By the way, the sound of your own voice isn’t that nice to listen to constantly).

Celebrating Democracy: Why We Can Live in a Society With a Trump Inauguration and Women’s Marches

The point I want to make here is not which side is right and which side is wrong. The point I want to make here is that the beauty of seeing a Trump Inauguration and the Women’s Marches side-by-side. You might be saying how are these things beautiful. They have caused much uproar, disagreement, and pain. But I would challenge you to see that the beauty of these events are not in the events themselves, but in how these events can occur in the first place.

Crave: What We Should Desire Most In Life

One aspect of the human condition that cannot be denied is that all of us desire something or someone to fulfill our lives. Everyone on the face of the earth is wired to have needs met and to feel that life can have fulfillment and purpose. Because of this longing, humanity searches to make meaningContinue reading “Crave: What We Should Desire Most In Life”

The journey has only begun…

So, I usually post at least three times a week. Yeah… Well, that hasn’t happened in about a week or so if you’ve noticed. The reason being is that I started a new job as a Chaplain Resident at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. For the next year, I will be finishing Clinical Pastoral Education trainingContinue reading “The journey has only begun…”


“Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.” ~ Francis Schaeffer Something that’s been on my mind for a while… Are we really believing the right things? Do we really know who God is. Do we really care about the human condition. Can we see how things will end up. LifeContinue reading “RE:orthodoxy”

“Why I Hate… Jerks”

Over these past few years I know what it has been like to be on the top of your faith and I know what it is like to almost lose it. I know the arguments for both accepting and rejecting faith in Christ. I know how true Christianity and false Christianity look like and haveContinue reading ““Why I Hate… Jerks””

a day of deserved meditation…

Anyone that does not have their head in the sand knows that today, January 20, 2009, is a very special day in the history of the United States. The first African-American President has been sworn in this afternoon and no matter what you believe about Barack Obama, to deny the importance and the gravity ofContinue reading “a day of deserved meditation…”