love… an enigma?

Well I have been up all morning reading some really great blogs about many different things like significance, honesty, love, relationships– you name it! I have been thinking about these subjects and how important they are to me and my life and, of course, they are because every human being experiences these things and more on a day-to-day basis.
I mean everyone wants to know what kind of significance they have in this world. No one wants to feel like a nobody! It’s not a great feeling to have. Even if one feels that way do they want to continue to feel that way or do they want to experience a fulfillment in their life?

Honesty, is it something that is needed to thread humanity together and keep it from imploding on itself or can we do without it? Honesty is not only necessary but without it humanity would be one broken piece of worthless treasure. It is what keeps all of us “in check” and accountable to ourselves and each other. To live in a world of complete selfishness and egotism is the end of a functioning, thriving world where humans can see a progressive and healthy move toward a better world. But it is true that the world overall cannot get better? It will get worse but it doesn’t mean we stay on the sidelines and see it go to pot, we try to make an impact on other people through the power of Christ before He returns to make all things right and to establish His perfect will and His perfect plan for all eternity.

Love and relationships are dependent on this honesty and significance. The number one thing that a man wants to feel is significance in an relationship and the number one thing and woman wants to feel is security. Of course this can be disputed but this is what I have learned and it makes sense to me. Love is never supposed to be totally known to anyone in this world. Love is somewhat of a mystery and this is especially true when it comes to God’s love for us. I mean why would He do it? Why would he unconditionally love us in the way He does? Because it is who He is! He is love, its an equality with his essence and you cannot separate the two. When I love someone unconditionally, which I cannot do perfectly on my own, I do it in a fashion that I cannot totally understand. I choose to love that person because of my selflessness and my desire to let God live through me. So what I have learned recently is that yes; love is a drawing power that can overtake us, but in the end it is something that we have to choose to partake in.

And in the end we will never totally understand this thing called love, but let us never abandon it for lack of not knowing it completely.

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